Once diagnosed with Pituitary tumour, we need to find out the extent of the tumour and most importantly the functional state of the Pituitary hormones. Prolactin secreting tumours can be managed by medical therapy. In a significant number of times Pituitary gland does not secrete hormone, so they cause pressure effect on surrounding structures or […]
Everything you wanted to know about Hypopituitarism
What is hypopituitarism? Hypopituitarism otherwise called as pituitary insufficiency refers to the low levels of circulating pituitary hormones. The clinical features of hypopituitarism are those of pituitary hormonal deficiencies. What causes hypopituitarism? Pituitary tumors Radiotherapy (pituitary, brain, nasopharyngeal) Inflammation of the Pituitary called Hypophysitis Invasion of the pituitary gland (Sarcoidosis, haemochromatosis) Empty sella syndrome (Pituitary […]